Monday, June 21, 2010

Mommy Clowns

Clowns these days don't necessarily wear funny hats, striped clothing, shoes that are too big, braces to hold up their big pants or have their faces painted. Any Mom can take a look in the mirror and see for herself. These days juggling, entertaining and doing silly things isn't just for clowns, there really isn't too much difference between a mom and a clown at the end of the day. Their jobs are very similar. I look at myself and while a clown juggles balls or bowling pins, I juggle making breakfast while preparing break for my boys at the same time, not to mention making sure that child number two has taken his medication and child number one has his kit for sports that day. All the while, I have our baby literally getting under my feet chanting “tea, tea??”

A clown is paid to entertain and make people laugh by doing silly things. Moms have to entertain and do silly things too – but they don't get paid for it. Well, not in monetary value anyway. When my oldest son came home with his results from writing his first exams and told me that he got 70%, I was so proud of him and thrilled to see his own satisfaction in doing so well. The day my middle son brought home the “merit” badge for being the best behaved in his class all week I couldn't believe it and was elated, because for an ADHD child, this is a serious achievement. The baby in the family is 18 months old and when he - yes I have three boys – split all the water out of the humidifier, onto the wooden flooring while investigating what this machine is, he came to me and in his own words babbled off something, when I didn't understand what he meant, I ask him to “show me” – and off we went to his room where I saw what he was trying to tell me. No amount of money could ever replace the “show” that we live every day.

Amongst all the mothering and teaching and disciplining, I have my own embroidery business to run. I'm privileged to have both my office and “factory” at home. There are times when neither the office nor the factory sees me because my boys need me more. I think the true juggling happens when there's a good balance between “mother time” and “career woman” time. It's a work in progress for me and I often have disputes within myself as to which one needs me more, which one will benefit everyone more. The answer to this is always my boys. What's the point of being a working-from-home Mom when I'm more focused on working than being a Mom? The juggling continues when school is over and homework begins, the show gets better when baby doesn't feel like having an afternoon kip, that's when Mom walks the tight rope and juggles at the same time!! By the time homework is over, it's time to get dinner on the go, feed the dogs, run the bath, set the table, feed the baby, and so the show goes on…

To all the Moms out there who juggle motherhood, house-keeper, wife, taxi driver and business owner – God didn't give us all this because he wanted more clowns in the world, he gave all this to us because he needs a bigger audience for all the wonder his children provide. And don't forget that when things do get tougher and days shorter while you're walking the tight rope too, there's always a safety chord so when you do fall, you'll bounce right back up. Don't ever loose your sense of humor or how necessary your role is in the circus of our lives as Mothers.

Written by Tracy Tuckett, mother of three and business owner.

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