Monday, April 26, 2010

Site/Service Description

Little Footprints Planet, a comprehensive Online Directory and resource portal that provides information to parents about anything and everything to do with children, from prenatal planning, through pregnancy and childbirth, and babies and toddlers, to teens.

The Online Directory includes information about support groups, events, products, services and references and ideas relating to raising and caring for happy, well-balanced children. As a parent, you have probably already realized the huge responsibility you have for the new life you have created, and have also probably realized that no one ever taught you how to be a good parent, or where to go to find the answers to your questions! Well, this is the place to be.

We are constantly adding new ideas and information to our site and Directory, and provide regular articles and newsletters to help responsible parents find the information and things they need, and find the answers to questions and also to meet with other similar-minded parents.

We hope that your parenting journey will be both enjoyable and adventurous and that the information that you will find on our site will help you to improve that experience.