Friday, August 6, 2010

Simple Advice For Children Hair Care

Washing a toddler's hair isn't difficult but there are specific things you have to keep in mind. You should always use a shampoo that is gentle and not going to burn their eyes. Specific shampoo and body wash for kids is the best thing to use since they are formulated to suit their needs. Both them should be very easy if it is accidentally washed in to their eyes. Since they are so young, you probably only need to wash their hair once every two days.

However, once they are eating solids you might find you need to wash their hair on a daily basis because they will tend to smear food on their heads. Alternatively, to achieve a clean head with less intervention between washings with shampoo, a clean damp washcloth will be sufficient for babies who are bald or have very short hair.

African American babies with bold and curly hairs often have dry hair. It is better to have their hair washed a couple of times a week since it is so dry. There are even specific shampoos designed for African babies. Moisturizers are added to these shampoos to help their hair retain moisture and not dry out so quickly.

Bathing often becomes a challenge because children do not like their head submerged in water. You can give them baby goggles or a water visor to help prevent water from splashing their face and eyes.

Brushing hair is pretty harsh so you need to wait for the hair to dry on its own. If you decide to brush it while it is wet then you need to make sure that you are careful because the scalp and hairs are very delicate. A baby brush should be good for children up to the age of 5.

I wouldn't recommend that you use conditioner on their scalp or hair because it won't be of benefit to them. If you do want to use one, you will have to find one that is made for children.

No matter what you do with their head, you should always be gentle because they are very delicate beings.

by Cory Sanders

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